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the professionals

Training and managing by SportsReach

SportsReach use football and netball in a variety of ways to spread the message of Jesus Christ all over the world. For more information visit:

Sportsreach is a registered charity no. 1065723, registered office 57 Lancaster Road, Carnforth, Lancs, LA5 9LE.



The Home Team

Support and hosts, Bethel Church Ripon

The Soccer and Netball School is hosted by those who attend Bethel Church in Ripon. Their hope is for the city of Ripon to hear the good news about Jesus and for them to witness His love at work in their lifes.

For more information visit:


Meet two of "The Professionals"

What's on at Bethel?


FA Qualified Coach

Richard Sutton "Sooty"

Do you prefer playing, coaching, watching or refereeing football? I prefer to play football, my favourite position is striker, but I don’t play much, I usually ref. I am the referees’ coordinator for the SportsReach football league.

What’s the best thing about being involved in SportsReach? It combines two of my passions in life, one being football and being able to coach and play. The other passion is telling others about the Lord Jesus Christ, the difference He has made in my life, and the difference He makes in other people’s lives. It is also a privilege to travel overseas both to referee and play and share the Good News.


AG: 7 - 11

Junior Church, Thursday's 3:30pm - 5pm

This is our term-time after-school club for 7-11s - come and draw, sing, laugh, run, eat, make friends and learn more exciting things from the Bible each week....



FA Qualified Coach

John Gorst

How did you get involved in SportsReach? When I was 16, SportsReach held a soccer school at my home church and I got involved as an assistant coach. Over the next 5 years I helped at more soccer schools and also went on overseas tours. Then in 2008, God very clearly called me out of my work as an accountant into full-time ministry with SportsReach.

What has been one of your highlights since you started working with SportsReach? In my role as administrator, one of the main areas that I deal with is the finances. Over the 5 years that I have been involved there have been times where the funds haven’t been there to meet the needs. After seeking God in prayer as a staff, God has always met the need just at the right time. And each time it happens it just reminds me how faithful He is, and how He provides exactly what we need.


AGE: 11 -17

Drop in, Monday's 3pm - 5pm

Aged 11-17 and at Secondary School? Drop into Bethel after you finish for fun, hot chocolate & toast, a short Bible talk, indoor games like table tennis, football and time to chill out too...